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In very basic terms we could define the three groups as: The exoteric group consists of those members, in 'Triangular' relationship (groups of threes), which meets and works together on some projects on an ongoing basis. The exoteric group begins as a triangle of three people; then evolves to three triangles of three people or nine people and eventually expands to three sets of three triangles of three people or nine triangles of three people, which makes 27 people total (14 men and 13 women). The esoteric group consists of those members, in 'Triangular' relationship (groups of threes), which meets together when necessary to help coordinate the efforts of three triangles of exoteric groups. The esoteric group begins as a triangle of three people from the first three exoteric groups of three triangles. Eventually this expands to three triangles of three people or nine people total (5 men and 4 women) coming from the nine exoteric groups of triangles. The occult group consists of those members, in 'Triangular' relationship (groups of threes), which meets together energetically to help coordinate the efforts of three triangles of esoteric groups. The occult group is a triangle of three people coming from the three esoteric groups of triangles (2 men and 1 woman). The three different groups and their progressions and hierarchies are also illustrated later in the diagrams of this section of the website. The triangular groups and 'triangular groups of triangular groups' can also be viewed as representing various sets of three qualities or consciousnesses, such as:
The first quality and most basic exoteric masculine group form is the Head group triangle consisting of 2 men and 1 woman for a total of 3 people. This is shown in the next illustration below: The second quality and third quality exoteric masculine group triangle forms are the Heart and Throat group triangles. The exoteric Heart group triangle consists of 2 women and 1 man and the exoteric Throat group triangle consists of 2 men and 1 woman. This is shown in the next illustration below which also includes the exoteric Head group triangle for a total of 9 people (5 men and 4 women): From the first three exoteric triangle groups of Head, Heart and Throat will form an esoteric masculine group triangle of 2 men and 1 woman. This is shown in the next illustration below:
The second quality and third quality esoteric masculine group triangle forms follow the first one and consist of two additional esoteric group triangles which consist of 2 women and 1 man and 2 men and 1 woman. This is shown in the next illustration, which forms a masculine occult triangle of 2 men and 1 woman who come from the nine esoteric members of 5 men and 4 women.
These are basic primary group formation principles which may be applied to all work aimed at purposeful auric or soul level global expression. The reason for this is that the aura or soul in expression consists of the three qualities of knowledge, love and will corresponding inversely and indirectly to the head, heart and throat of a human being. More complete illustration of these progressions and hierarchies would include the four people who would be drawn into the triangular groups as attributes. These are not illustrated but referred to in the illustrations as 1 superscript 3 superscript 4567 and in the SAM2013 Head Triangle Progression as 1 superscript 1, 1 superscript 2, 4, 1 superscript 3. Including these attributes would make the illustrations and text much more complex, yet at the same time they are natural progressions of the illustrations shown. Much of this complexity of including these attributes can be simplified through the illustrations and use of the SAM2013 Monadic Manifestation Card Deck listed for sale further below. Much of the group triangular identities can be gleaned from the SAM2013 Synthesis Color Consultation/Interpretation, Energy Evaluation and Application products, techniques, methods, training and course information. Click here for more information. Much of the group triangular cohesiveness can be gained from the SAM2013 Phases-of-the-Light Crystals, methods and course information. Click here for more information. The SAM2013 Monadic Group Manifestation Card Deck consists of 76 cards; 36 Aspect Cards, 36 Attribute Cards, 3 Esoteric Cards, and 1 Occult Card (36 + 36 + 3 + 1 = 76). The deck gives insight into a person's 'Spiritual Group Constitution Relationships'. This deck can be used in conjunction with the SAM2013 Synthesis Tri-Level Color System Card Deck to give insight into the aspects and attributes of a person's 'Spiritual Constitution' (see our page on the 'Synthesis Color System'). The price for the card deck is $59.00. Order now.
See the special "Vision paper: unfolding work for 2024-2026" by 2025 Initiative (www.2025initiative.org) at the end of this section on Timers to help understand more the significance of these times and especially as it applies to this year 2024 through the year 2026. Timers 1 below: Full Moon Count-Down Timers for next three months Group Meditation Work are shown below (Astrological Years start in the Sign of Aries and end in the Sign of Pisces. Full Moons are listed as in the current Sun Sign at the time of the Full Moon): Timer 2 below: Equinox and Solstice Count-Down Timer for this Equinox or Solstice Group Meditation Work is shown below: Timers 3 below: Seven Year Count-Down Timers since the start of the last seven year Group Impact Meditation Work Festival Week (December 21 - 28, 2019) and to the start of the next seven year Group Impact Meditation Work Festival Week (December 21 - 28, 2026) are shown below: Timer 4 below: 100 Year Count-Down Timer for the start of the next 1 year per 100 year Group Impulse Year: Timers 1 above: 2024 - 2025 ANNUAL KEYNOTE: LET THE GROUP DEDICATE ITSELF ANEW TO THE SERVICE OF THE COMING ONE AND DO ALL IT CAN TO PREPARE HUMAN MINDS AND HEARTS FOR THAT EVENT. WE HAVE NO OTHER LIFE INTENTION. THREE HIGHER INTERLUDE ANNUAL KEYNOTES, NINE LOWER INTERLUDE ANNUAL KEYNOTES, KEYNOTES OF LIGHT AND RAY CONNECTIONS FOR THE ABOVE MONTHLY FULL MOON TIMERS (Astrological Years start in the Sign of Aries and end in the Sign of Pisces. Full Moons are listed as in the current Sun Sign at the time of the Full Moon) ARE FOLLOWED BY THE SEVEN KEYS TO THE SEVEN RAY METHODS: THREE HIGHER INTERLUDE ANNUAL KEYNOTES, KEYNOTES OF LIGHT AND RAY CONNECTIONS - FIRST THREE BUILDING ENERGY AND CONSCIOUSNESS FULL MOONS OF THE ASTROLOGICAL YEAR: 1. ARIES - I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule. (The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the "searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used" for divine expression.) 7th Ray 2. TAURUS - I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light. (The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.) 1st Ray 3. GEMINI - I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow. (The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.) 3rd Ray NINE LOWER INTERLUDE ANNUAL KEYNOTES, KEYNOTES OF LIGHT AND RAY CONNECTIONS - LAST NINE DISTRIBUTING ENERGY AND CONSCIOUSNESS FULL MOONS OF THE ASTROLOGICAL YEAR: 4. CANCER - I build a lighted house and therein dwell. (The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the "dark light" of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light.) 6th Ray 5. LEO - I am That and That am I. (The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of light logoic, or divine. The light diffused in Cancer focusses and reveals eventually a point.) 2nd Ray 6. VIRGO - I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am. (The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini.) 2nd Ray 7. LIBRA - I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force. (The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.) 3rd Ray 8. SCORPIO - Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant. (The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.) 4th Ray 9. SAGITTARIUS - I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another. (A beam of directed, focused Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the centre of the light.) 6th Ray 10. CAPRICORN - Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back. (The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.) 5th Ray 11. AQUARIUS - Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men (Souls). (The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.) 4th Ray 12. PISCES - I leave the Father's home and turning back, I save. (The Light of the World. This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It ends for ever the darkness of matter.) 1st Ray THE SEVEN KEYS TO THE SEVEN RAY METHODS: FIRST RAY: "Let the Forces come together. Let them mount to the High Place, and from that lofty eminence let the Soul look upon a world destroyed. Then let the word go forth: 'I will persist'." SECOND RAY: "Let all the life be drawn to the Centre, and enter thus into the Heart of Love Divine. Then from that point of sentient Life, let the Soul realise the consciousness of God. Let the word go forth, reverberating through the silence: 'Naught is but Me!', THIRD RAY: "Let the Army of the Lord, responsive to the word, cease their activities. Let knowledge end in wisdom. Let the point vibrating become the point quiescent, and all lines gather into One. Let the Soul realise the One in Many, and let the word go forth in perfect understanding: 'I am the Worker and the Work, The One that Is: ' " FOURTH RAY: "Let the outer glory pass away and the beauty of the inner Light reveal the One. Let dissonance give place to harmony, and from the centre of the hidden Light let the soul speak, let the word roll forth: 'Beauty and glory veil Me not. I stand revealed. I Am. FIFTH RAY: "Let the three forms of energy electric pass upward to the Place of Power. Let the forces of the head and heart and all the nether aspects blend. Then let the Soul look out upon the inner world of light divine. Let the word triumphant go forth: 'I mastered energy for I am energy itself. The Master and the mastered are but One.' SIXTH RAY: "Let all desire cease. Let aspiration end. The search is over. Let the Soul realise that it has reached the goal, and from that gateway to eternal Life and cosmic Peace let the word sound: 'I am the seeker and the sought. I rest.'" SEVENTH RAY: "Let the builders cease their work. The Temple is completed. Let the Soul enter into its heritage and from the Holy Place command all work to end. Then in the silence subsequent let him chant forth the word: `The creative work is over. I, the Creator, Am. Naught else remains but Me.'" Timer 2 above: FOUR ANNUAL NATURE CYCLES FOR THE ABOVE EQUINOX AND SOLSTICE TIMER: 1. FALL EQUINOX: Beginning of new growing cycle. 2. WINTER SOLSTICE: Growth of new growing cycle. 3. SRING EQUINOX: Further growth of new growing cycle. 4. SUMMER SOLSTICE: Greatest growth of new growing cycle. Timers 3 above: SEVEN YEAR CYCLES FOR THE ABOVE TWO GROUP FESTIVAL WEEK TIMERS: ONE WEEK (DECEMBER 21 - 28) EVERY SEVEN YEARS (2019 was the last Festival Week Impact Year and 2026 is the next Festival Week Impact Year). Timer 4 above: 100 YEAR CYCLE FOR THE ABOVE 2025 INITIATIVE TIMER: ONE YEAR EVERY 100 YEARS (1925 was the last Impulse Year and 2025 is the next Impulse Year). A Note from SAM2013: The folowing "Vision Paper: Unfolding Work for 2024-2026 (a call to esoteric groups in preparation for 2025)" and the supplemental paper "More details about this proposed experiment and our groups' ideas about the unfolding opportunities of the period of 2024-2026" are hoped to be of helpfulness in preparation for what we consider the very important years of 2024 through 2026 exoteric, esoteric, and occult meditation work. We must remember that all of the information is written in and contains occult 'hints' and 'clues' to be meditated on, pondered about and brooded over to help experience a greater understanding of a greater reality of unity, synthesis and oneness. This experience starts within us (imminent) or from without us (transcendent) from the individual to the universal or from the universal to the individual or from the center to the periphery or from the periphery to the center, etc. The purpose, goal or direction is the bringing together of a new group organism or entity (as illustrated in the SAM2013 symbol). This starts with our awareness of our union with Spirit or another being and the other being or Spirits' union with us and expands to our union with the next being or the next beings' union with us and so on. This can happen on seemingly on a single level or on seemingly multiple levels at the same time or in single step type expansions or quantum type expansions of awareness and in certain time frames or out of any time frame. As a general rule, in our experience, the expansion or seed union or conception or livingness starts as a first phase with a seed group directive member and then moves to a second phase seed group educative member, then to a third phase seed group instructive/activity member and then expands to esoteric group members and/or operational and functional exoteric group members and finally out to occult group members (although this may be where it all started). Much more of this is discussed at the bottom of this page in the Monadic Manifestation Meditation reports and Monadic Manifestation Group Consciousness reports which can be downloaded as PDF files. "Vision Paper: Unfolding Work for 2024-2026" by 2025 Initiative (www.2025initiative.org): Dear friends and co-workers, This is a call to esoteric groups in preparation for 2025. The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will meditate and precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. This is the centennial "great download". The world group, as the ajna center of the planet, has the opportunity and the responsibility to play a conscious role in this planetary event. In imitation of the annual Wesak ceremony of contact, disciples of the world may use this climax point to come into alignment with each other, forming "certain geometrical shapes" to become a living "receptive lens" for the Hierarchy and a pulsating "channel of contact" for Humanity. To be as prepared as possible we suggest practicing together in the remaining time. We recognize that In order to manifest our innate capacity to function as conscious parts of the worldwide living organism of the World Servers Group, our groups have to become more sensitive to each other's notes and to practice skills of telepathic attunement between our groups. Therefore we invite your group/s to join an experiment of intergroup telepathic alignment during the coming Leo-Sirius Festival on August 17-21. We envision the participating groups keeping a conscious alignment with each other during the five days of the Leo Full Moon, while pursuing their own specific service activities. All participating groups would meet online at the beginning and at the end of the five day Full Moon period. During this period the groups will be encouraged to experiment with widening our circle of subjective contact, cultivating a finer sensitivity to each other and to the subjective energy infrastructure which we together hold. We think of this experiment as a kind of "dress rehearsal" in preparation for next year's opportunity to be of service to Humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet. We invite you to get "more details about this proposed experiment and our groups' ideas about the unfolding opportunities of the period of 2024-2026" below this call for action. We hope this call will resonate with you. Please share this invitation within your groups. And please let us know about your intentions for further coordination. In the Light of the One Work, Circle of Groups: 2025 Initiative, the Blue Rose Sisterhood, the Esoteric United Nations, the Hechal Group, The Hill Center, Meditation Mount, the Morya Federation, the Northern Light Society, TPS-POP International Group (The Planetary System-Planetary Order Prototype), Sydney Goodwill, The University of the Seven Rays. "More details about this proposed experiment and our groups' ideas about the unfolding opportunities of the period of 2024-2026": Vision towards the Year 2025 and Beyond: "The ajna center of the Lord of the World is just beginning to express itself in a recognizable manner through the New Group of World Servers (NGWS). This intermediate group - between the Hierarchy and Humanity - is a carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible (the Plan of which the Hierarchy is the custodian). This Plan implements the Purpose, and later, when the New Group of World Servers is organized and is recognized as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy." Rays and Initiations, by Alice A. Bailey (AAB), p 368. The year 2025 opens a new hundred year cycle. It is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will convene to evaluate the state of the world and based on this evaluation, precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. The year 2025 has been the signpost towards which many spiritual students have been working and preparing for decades. It is now well-nigh upon us. Self-organization and self-recognition of the World Servers Group as a Living Organism is now the zeitgeist of our times sensed by many groups around the world. Together we are in the process of taking up our function as the Planetary Ajna Center, becoming the One Planetary Server. Each of our groups can be perceived as an energy vortex dedicated to a specific purpose. Each group establishes their own rhythm and method of work, and their own alignment to Hierarchy. Thus each group strives to the best of their capacity to become an ashramic outpost on the physical plane manifesting a specific hierarchical quality and function. Through our growing awareness of each other we realize the relations between our groups as energy lines that bring us together into functional unity, forming constellations of groups. This development could be recognized as a part of the process of geometrical alignment in preparation for 2025, perhaps similar to the geometrical alignments which the Hierarchy performs annually at the time of the Wesak. The Opportunity of Cycles: Students of DK's Teachings (HPBs Secret Doctine books, and AABs 24 Books) are in a position of privileged responsibility, through our knowledge of the opportunity of cycles. For decades we have been pacing our work rhythm according to the Moon cycle, streamlining our activities around the Full Moon and New Moon. There is a growing recognition and utilization of the potency and importance of the four-beat planetary cycle of Solstices and Equinoxes. It is a unifying rhythm linked to the cycles of our planet that brings people from different traditions and cultures into synchronized celebration of our Mother Earth in relation to our Planetary Logos' Breath. Seven years is the cycle of Uranus going through each zodiac sign. The full cycle of Uranus is 84 years. The fact of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) was declared in the lead up to the Festival Week of 1935 when Uranus entered into Taurus (the very sign ruling the NGWS, the planetary Ajna Center). Thus the Festival Week of 2019 marked the full cycle of Uranus coming back to the same sign and marking the beginning of the new cycle of the New Group of World Servers. Through the law of analogy we can relate the seven year cycle to the Seven Rays. Thus in the flow of the current seven year cycle we are in the fifth year (2024) which could be related to the Fifth Ray. This invites us to mentally process and fix our structural relations and the work ahead of us. In order to utilize the opportunity of the year 2025 ahead of us, we are invited now to stretch our capacity to span a one hundred year cycle. And in fact we do have the collective knowledge and learned experiences of the last hundred years: the Blue Books provide us with the interpretation of the world events between the Shamballa impact of 1925 until the middle of the last century. And in our own discipleship lives we are witness to the second part of the same great cycle - the period of manifestation. Thus we span the full 100 years cycle in our consciousness and are therefore uniquely equipped to step into the position of the "planetary lens", holding the planetary coordinates of space and time for the planetary consciousness as the Plan for the next 100 years will be precipitated. As we approach this last stretch, we are invited to make concerted use of our knowledge and experience of cycles - to hone our alignment, forming "certain geometrical shapes" to create a "receptive lens" for the Hierarchy and a "channel of contact" for humanity. Every Full Moon and New Moon become now even more significant opportunities for knitting the world group and Hierarchy closer together. As we journey towards the end of the current seven year cycle, we will have to invoke and utilize the potency of this cycle with its every beat in order to mobilize the entirety of the New Group of World Servers towards the beneficent opportunity of the Festival of Impact that will be inaugurated with the Capricorn Solstice of 2026. From our present perspective at the beginning of the 2024 annual cycle, some of the coming cyclic events stand out especially as significant milestones for the World Group in its process of self-organizing and recognizing itself as a living organism: The period between the Aries Equinox and the Wesak Festival of 2024 is colored by the potent conjunction of two rulers of Aquarius - Jupiter and Uranus - in the sign of Taurus, which rules the New Group of World Servers. On March 14 was the heliocentric conjunction and on April 21st is the geocentric conjunction. We know that the orbs of the astrological influences of Jupiter and Uranus are wide and thus the whole period of the higher interlude is conditioned by this powerful impulse of illumination of the planetary Eye (NGWS), stimulating clarity of vision of the unfolding Divine Plan. It is the time when the Eye is stimulated to be opened. The Cancer Solstice of 2024 will be augmented by the energy of the Direct Sun (full moon). It is therefore an opportunity to impact the World Group consciousness. We invite the community to use every opportunity of each Solstice towards the Festival Week in 2026 to focus on clear communication to the wider non-esoteric community of the fact of the NGWS as the group formed by inner recognition of the unity of purpose and shared motivation to serve the planet. We recognize the coming Sirius-Leo Festival of 2024 as a special opportunity for the world esoteric community, for groups, to experiment with self-organizing within the great mandala of the World Servers Group. The Leo Solar Festival is related to Sirius and, as we have been told, it will play a primary role in the future World Religion. As is the case with any opposite signs, Leo and Aquarius are an expression of the same energy. The energy interplay of these two signs will condition the incoming age, and color the evolutionary dynamic of consciousness unfoldment in individuals, groups and humanity as a whole. The higher octave of the Leo potency provides an opportunity of expansion of group consciousness and therefore can be capitalized on by practicing esoteric groups. Leo's direct connection to Sirius, the Star of Sensitivity, provides us with the opportunity to expand our individual groups' sensitivity, recognizing the notes of other groups as well as developing a felt sense of the World Group as a Living Functioning Organism. We think of this experiment as a kind of "dress rehearsal" in preparation for next year's opportunity to serve Humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy as "One Planetary Server". December 2024 Solstice will be the Gate through which humanity will enter the year 2025. By that time groups are called to take their position within the mandala of the World Group, clearly sounding their notes while holding the recognition of the Living Organism of the World Group, of which they are a part. Every Solar Festival of 2025 will be the time for groups to stand together as part of a Living Organism of the World Servers Group focused within the Planetary Ajna. It will be the time to withstand the tension of the incoming energies, and to receive, hold and distribute them within the planetary network of Light. This is of special importance considering the possibility of another direct Shamballic impact in 2025. We must remember the warning that the energy of the Will can be handled safely only in group formation and not individually. The Cancer Solstice of 2026 will be an important moment to reach out to as many groups and organizations that share the same purpose of serving humanity on its evolutionary path. It will be the time to call all those groups to prepare for the beneficent opportunity of the Festival week in December 2026, scheduling their conferences, workshops, retreats, seeding and magnetizing their service activities for the next seven years cycle of 2027 through 2033. We invite groups who resonate with these cyclic opportunities to come into closer cooperation. Within the emerging organic structure of the World Group let us learn together optimal ways to function as an organism of One Planetary Server, the Ajna center of the planet. Some practices have already emerged and proven effective. Others start to be sensed on the periphery of the group perception. There are many more that are still to be intuited and manifested. We learn by doing - "The Initiate knows because he works." This vision paper is the yield from a series of reflective meditations in several groups' circles during the period between Libra 2023 and Aries 2024. Please share it with your peers in your group and your partner groups. We would appreciate your input. Each group adds a puzzle piece to contribute to the Vision of the unfolding Plan. Aries Equinox 2024. 2025 Initiative (www.2025initiative.org) 2023 Reports with emphasis noted and esoteric astrological significances of the Galactic Triangles of each sign: 2022 Reports with emphasis noted and esoteric astrological significance of the Cosmic Crosses of each sign: 2021 Reports with emphasis noted and esoteric astrological significances of each sign: 2020 Reports with emphasis noted and esoteric astrological significances of each sign: 2019 Reports with emphasis noted and esoteric astrological significances of each sign: © 1998-Present SAM2013 Design: Cattail Consulting & Design |